Warmongering against Iran in chronological order
"Iran can build an atomic bomb in six months," we've been hearing for 30 years ...
30.11.1992 An assertion by the CIA that Iran would develop a nuclear bomb by the year 2000. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Kt5g9PWUlaw/TyvVd10CfDI/AAAAAAAAI4w/ZV7BKwm_Ois/s1600/NYTIran.jpg
04.08.2003 According to an American media report, Iran is apparently close to building a nuclear bomb. The CIA should consider an attack. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-bericht-iran-steht-offenbar-kurz-vor-bau-einer-atombombe-a-259982.html
19.01.2006 German Secret Service BND warns, Iran could build nuclear bomb within a few months. http://archiv.raid-rush.ws/t-16845.html
11.04.2007 IAEA reports: Iran can build atomic bomb in four years. http://www.bbv-net.de/public/article/aktuelles/politik/ausland/426740
15.07.2009 According to experts of the German Secret Service BND, the regime could build a bomb within six months and test it. http://www.stern.de/investigativ/projekte/ruestungundmilitaer/irans-atomwaffenprogramm--in-sechs-monaten-koennen-sie-die-bombe-zuenden--3811608.html
05.10.2009 Report by experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), according to which Iran is able to build a nuclear bomb. http://www.stern.de/politik/ausland/naher-osten-wie-nah-ist-iran-der-atombombe-1512730.html
28.06.2010 According to the US CIA, despite sanctions Iran is able to build two nuclear missiles by 2012. http://www.n24.de/news/newsitem_6158592.html
20.01.2012 German Federal Intelligence Service: "Iran can ignite the atomic bomb in half a year". http://mobil.stern.de/investigativ/projekte/ruestungundmilitaer/bundesnachrichtendienst-der-iran-kann-in-einem-halben-jahr-die-atombombe-zuenden-1770353.html
09.10.2012 According to experts, Iran could build an operational atomic bomb within ten months. http://derstandard.at/1348285518966/Experten-Iran-koennte-binnen-zehn-Monaten-Atombombe-bauen
15.03.2013 According to US President Barack Obama, Iran needs just over a year to build a nuclear bomb. http://www.derwesten.de/politik/der-iran-wird-laut-us-praesident-barack-obama-in-einem-jahr-eine-atombombe-haben-id7726617.html
02.02.2021 Israel's energy minister: Iran can build atomic bomb in six months
https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/13440988-israels-energieminister-iran-monaten-atombombe-bauen20.04.2024 Experts (US officials and the IAEA) speak of a few months: The Iranian regime is on the verge of building a nuclear bomb
https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/ausland/atomprogramm-iran-bombe-100.html20.07.2024 Iran is just a week or two away from achieving the ability to produce fissile material for a nuclear weapon, US Secretary of State Blinken warns.
To be continued, that's for sure ...